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The following is a list of books on object-related topics:
A book called Developing Intelligent Agents for Distributed Systems by Michael Knapik and Jay Johnson. This book is a high level overview of intelligent agents that is suitable for someone getting started in the field. This page also contains reviews and opinions on the book.
A book called Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus by Glenn L. Vanderburg. et al.
A site containing a Java, OO, and Corba book list. Included are good first books on Java, first Java books for people with no programming background, Object-Oriented theory, design and methodology, books on using Java with CORBA, and more.
A site with information and buying options for the book, UML Distilled; Applying the Standard Object Modelling Language by M. Fowler and K. Scott.
A list of recommended books on O-O related topics, including Design by Contract. The list contains books such as Software Project Survival Guide by S. McConnell; The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide by R. Orfali, D. Harkey, and J. Edwards; and more.
A recommended reading list, specifically on Object-Orientation. The list contains books such as Object Technology: A Manager's Guide, 2nd Ed. by D. Tylor; The Object Primer: The Developer's Introduction to Object-Orientation by S.W. Ambler; and more.
A site about the book, Applying the Standard Object Modelling Language by Martin Fowler et al.
The site for a book called Object Structures, which is a thoroughly object-oriented book that takes the conventional topic of data structures and transforms it...
The site for the book Objects Unencapsulated: Java, Eiffel, and C by Ian Joyner which probes the core of object technology to examine how various language features affect software productivity.
A list of books on Object-Oriented analysis and design
A guide which introduces the key language concepts and tools for achieving success with TowerEiffel. Included are extended introductions to objects, Eiffel, and the Tower Interactive Development Environments. Also included are coverage of advanced Eiffel concepts and modern software engineering practice.
A site for the book Eiffel: An overview of the language and method by Bertrand Meyer.
A list of books relating to C++
A site with information about the book Speech Recognition Theory and C++ Implementation by C. Becchetti & L. Prina Ricotti, as well as many useful O-O links to C++ and Linux pages and more.
A site for the book Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML: The Catalysis Approach
A list of books, in German, on Design by Contract, Java, and related materials. The list includes books such as jContractor: A Reflective Java Library to Support Design by Contract by Murat Karaorman, Urs Hölzle, and John L. Bruno.
A site, IN FRENCH, with a list of books dealing with object-oriented topics
A list of books on Object-Oriented topics, including Design by Contract, such as Building Bug-Free O-O Software: An Introduction to Design by Contract.
A list of books on Object-Oriented Software engineering
Some publications on Paradigms Integration (Logic,Objects & Concurrency), Modularity in Declarative Programming, Logic and Models for Concurrency(Linear Logic), Software Architectures, and (Concurrent & Distributed) Object-Orientation
A German site containing a list of dozens of books on C++
A list of books on various object-oriented topics, including Design by Contract
A site with information about the book Object-Oriented Software Construction by Bertrand Meyer
A list of books and reading on UML. For example, Patterns in Java, Volume 1, A Catalog of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML, by Mark Grand.
A list of books on C/C++, MFC, Windows, Graphics, DirectX/Multimedia, and UML, such as The Design and Evolution of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup
A site about the book Beginning with C by Ron House
A list of reviews and links for books about UML, Object-Oriented Technology, Java, and Design Patterns.
A site about the book Catalysis: Objects, Frameworks, and Componemts in UML by Desmond D'Souza and Alan Cameron Wills
A list of what one person considers the "top 10 software development books"
A list of books on or relating to UML, such as The Unified Modeling Language User Guide (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series).
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